
我告訴你我將去的地方 I tell you where I'd go.
芝華塔尼歐 Zihuatanejo
什麼? Say What?
芝華塔尼歐,在墨西哥 Zihuatanejo It's in Mexico
太平洋邊的小地方 A little place on the Pacific Ocean
墨西哥人怎樣說太平洋? You know what the Mexicans say about the Pacific?
不知道 No
沒有回憶的海洋 They say it has no memory
我要在那度此餘生 That's where I want to live the rest of my life
沒有回憶的溫暖地 A warm place with no memory
在海邊開個小旅館 Open up a little hotel...right on the beach
買條破船整修一新 Buy some wothless old boat and fix it up new
載客出海,包船海釣 Take my guests out charter fishing
芝華塔尼歐 Zihuatanejo
你在那地方也大有可為 In a place like that, I could use a man that knows how to\
 get things
我在外頭吃不開 I don't think I could make it on the outside
我一生都耗在鯊堡 I been in here most of my life
我已體制化了,就像老布 I'm an institutional man now Just like Brooks was
你別小看自己 You underestimate yourself
我不這麼認為 I don't think so
我在牢裏讓你有求必應 In here I'm the guy who can get things for you, sure,but...
一出社會,電話簿裏樣樣有 outside all you need is the Yellow Pages
但我連查都不會查 Hell,I wouldn't know where to begin.
太平洋?狗屁 Pacific Ocean? Shit
大得我心都毛了 Scare me to death something that big
我不會, not me
老婆和她情夫不是我殺的 I didn't shoot my wife and I didn't shoot her lover
我犯的錯已償清 Whatever mistakes I made,I've paid for them and then some
一間旅店,一葉扁舟 That hotel,that boat
這種要求並不過份 I don't think that's too much to ask
你不該有此妄想 You shouldn't be doing this to yourself
完全癡人說夢 This is just shitty pipe dreams
墨西哥和這裏是天南地北 Mexico is way down there and you're in here and that's \
the way it is
話是沒錯 Yeah,right,that's the way it is
遠在天涯海角 It's down there and I'm in here
反正人總要二選一 I guess it comes down to simple choice
汲汲於生,或汲汲於死 Get busy living...or get busy dying....




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